
the city :: production apparatus

Kaart Amsterdam uit Brockhaus Konversations Lexikon 1901 Erster Band 'A - Athelm'

Who is making what, where, how, with whom and why in Amsterdam today?

Between October and December 2008, designLAB students are exploring Amsterdam's finest production systems. Each place is portrayed through a set of questions & answers, a vizualized gesture and a quote. The portraits can be seen as personal odes to the craftmanship, passion and production wisdom of these places.

The 5 basic questions relate to the system around a specific mode of production:

- what do you make? [produce]
- how much does it ‘cost’ to make it? [money / labor]
- what can you do and not do? [limits/terms of production process]
- where does it come from / what does it take to make it? [input]
- where does it go? [output]

During a first brainstorm we defined interesting forms of production:
:: positive: ‘output’
:: negative: stealing, keeping secret, throwing away, destroying, wasting
:: random
:: accidental, unplanned
:: marginal
:: limited / unlimited
:: amateur / professional / pro-am
:: profit / non profit
:: material / immaterial

Related links discussed during the project:

“ Intelligence starts with improvisation (...) The thing with cities (...) is that it’s all about behavior. A building that has no user is no building.” - from an interview between Yona Friedmann and Hans Ulrich Obrist, about Merzbau

“A Pro-Am pursues an activity as an amateur, mainly for the love of it, but sets a professional standard. For Pro-Ams, leisure is not passive consumerism but active and participatory. Pro-Ams demand we rethink many of the categories through which we divide up our lives. Pro-Ams are a new social hybrid. Their activities are not adequately captured by the traditional definitions of work and leisure, professional and amateur, consumption and production.”

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