

Tutor's statements & questions to the department related to their professional practice

> how can we study specific places, share our findings, experience a topic physically? how to design specific things? how to generate collective knowledge? (c&m)
> how can we construct meaningful dialogues? how can build rich processes and communicate these? (sk)
> how can we honour the detail? (ls)
> how can we design for changing societies? how can we design open, participatory processes of change?
> how can we innovate beyond style? how can we materialize our ideas?

Lab portraits & questions related the identity of a design lab

> bakery (jeroen) > freeze moment for dough > ideas also need freeze space. what is the dough of the department? what are the special ingredients that we should keep a close eye on?
> vintage store (stefi)> about trying things out, about old and new > is a lab about new ideas or new methods? can one change his/her identity in a lab?
> tichelaar (sjoerd)> database aan mogelijkheden. no formula. learn by trying. > which database should designlab build up? which learning mode fits designlab?
> volkskrantgebouw (eva) > how to learn from each other, to combine skills, and how can spatial configuration support this?
> mouth (melina)> a sensor for the environment
> (fleur) >how can our lab be linked to specialists from outside the design discipline?
> (david) > drogisterij > how is possible / how can be a quality to be conservative in a lab?
> (marjan) > fablab> how could a designlab look as magical to the outside as a chemistry lab looks to us?
> (rosa) >where does a question come from in a lab? - fomr society?
> (johanna) > fiestfabriek > are there any innovative researchers about creating movement / mobility with muscle power?

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